Timekeeping on The Axiom

Calendar on the Axiom

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Because, at BNL, space is the final "fun"-tier. - Shelby Forthright, BNL CEO
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Minimum and Maximum Dates
It should be noted that the maximum Date is not of the same value as the maximum safe integer (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 9,007,199,254,740,991). Instead, it is defined in ECMA-262 that a maximum of ±100,000,000 (one hundred million) days relative to January 1, 1970 UTC (that is, April 20, 271821 BCE ~ September 13, 275760 CE) can be represented by the standard Date object (equivalent to ±8,640,000,000,000,000 milliseconds).

Note: Any date before June 27, 2105 is the same on the Axiom and Earth, as that is when the Axiom is launched. Any time before then is measured on Earth, as at this point, the Axiom hasn't left.

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WALL-E Movie Script
Axiom Pixar Fandom Page

WALL-E scene "2805 A.D." 1:59 and 2:31 show the Axiom, and ships like it, being launched in late morning, midday or afternoon. There isn't any specific time indicated when these ships launched, so we'll assume they launched at 12:00 PM. The video says the robot crews tend to guest needs “24 hours a day.” However, according to Youtube video "Captaining the Axiom", as well as the Axiom Pixar Fandom Page, the robot crews are said to tend to guest needs "25 hours a day".

Every year there was four quartly reports. In the year 2105, there is only one report. The time of year can't be deduced from this.

WALL-E was released June 27, 2008. Let's assume the Axium launced on that same date in 2105, June 27, at 12:00 PM.

The Axiom was in space for 700 years, returning to Earth in 2805. In fact, the Captain himself announces the 700th anniversary. During morning announcements (footage can be found here.), the Captain announces its day 255,642 on the Axiom, which, according to the Captain, is 700 years. He also shifts the clocks back 3 hours from 12:30 PM (when he woke up) to 9:30 AM.

255,642/700 = 365.202857143 days/year

24 Hour Day

Gregorian Calendar (365.2425 days) Tropical Year (365.2417 days)
365.2425 * 700 = 255669.75
Using the Gregorian calendar, 700 years is 255,669 3/4 days long.
Difference = -27.75 days
The Axium is 27 days and 18 hours (3/4 of a day) behind Earth.
365.24217 * 700 = 255669.519
Using Earth’s tropical year, 700 years is 255,669 519/1000 days long.
Difference = -27.519 days.
The Axium is 27 days and 12.456 hours (24 * 519/1000) behind Earth’s calendar.
0.456 * 60 = 27.36 minutes
0.36 * 60 = 21.6 seconds
Axium is behind 27 days, 12 hours, 27 minutes and 21.6 seconds.

25 Hour Day

Gregorian Calendar (365.2425 days) Tropical Year (365.2417 days)
24 hours a day * 365.2425 = 8765.82 hours / year
25 hours a day * 365.202857143 = 9130.07142858 hours per year
9130.07142858 / 8765.82 = 1.04155360578
255,642*1.04155360578 = 266264.846889 Earth days (the actual Earth time Axium spent in space, which is more than 700 years.
266264.846889/365.2425 = 729.008390012 years
0.008390012 * 356.2425 = 2.98887884991 days
0.98887884991 * 24 = 23.7330923978 hours
0.7330923978 * 60 = 43.985543868 minutes
0.985543868 * 60 = 59.13263208 seconds
The Axium is 29 years, 2 days, 23 hours, 43 minutes and 59.13263208 seconds behind the Gregorian Calendar.
24 hours a day * 365.24217 = 8765.81208 hours / year
25 hours a day * 365.202857143 = 9130.07142858 hours per year
9130.07142858 / 8765.81208 = 1.04155454683
255,642 * 1.04155454683 = 266265.087461 days
266265.087461/365.24217 = 729.009707343 years
0.009707343 * 365.24217 = 3.54553102225 days
0.54553102225 * 24 = 13.092744534 hours
0.092744534 * 60 = 5.56467204 minutes
0.56467204 * 60 = 33.8803224 seconds
The Axium is 29 years, 3 days, 13 hours, 5 minutes and 33.8803224 seconds behind Earth’s tropical years.