Convert date between Gregorian Calendar and Solstice Calendar

Clock Background
Gregorian Day Number Solstice
Month Day


Month Day


Dates of the Seasons

Northern Hemisphere Equinox and Solstice Dates Gregorian 13 Moon*
Spring March 20 Gaia 5
Summer June 21 Asteriod 14
Fall September 22 Uranus 23
Winter December 21 Comet 29
*Dates of the Seasons don't vary, as the calendar starts the day after the Winter Solstice (Although the date ranges from the December 20-23, December 21, the day it usually falls on, is used in this calculator. The Solstice is always Comet 29 on the Solstice Calendar)

Information About the Calendar

Solstice Calendar (Ends the year on the Winter Solstice, Starts year December 22)

CAL13 FIXED CALENDAR The calendar has 13 months of 28 days. It has two varieties:

Starts the year on the Winter Solstice, December 21: Common YearsLeap Years

Start the year on January 1: Common YearsLeap Years