Convert date between Gregorian Calendar and 13 Moon Calendar

Clock Background
Gregorian Day Number 13 Moon
Month Day


Month Day


Dates of the Seasons

Northern Hemisphere Equinox and Solstice Dates Gregorian 13 Moon
Spring March 20 Solar Jaguar 14
Summer June 21 Crystal Rabbit 23
Fall September 22 Electric Deer 3
Winter December 21 Rhythmic Lizard 9

Information About the Calendar

Law of Time Website
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Moon Glow HEX color

The year begins on July 26. The end of the year, July 25 is an intercalendary day, known as the "Day Without Time"

According to the calendar's website, the 13 Moon calendar synchronizes solar and galactic cycles on July 26 correlating with the star Sirius, making the 13 Moon 28-day cycle a solar/galactic calendar.

Names of the Months
  1. Magnetic Bat Moon (July 26-August 22)
  2. Lunar Scorpion Moon (August 23-September 19)
  3. Electric Deer Moon (September 20-October 17)
  4. Self-existing Owl Moon (October 18-November 14)
  5. Overtone Peacock Moon (November 15-December 12)
  6. Rhythmic Lizard Moon (December 13-January 9)
  7. Resonant Monkey Moon (January 10-February 6)
  8. Galactic Hawk Moon (February 7-March 6)
  9. Solar Jaguar Moon (March 7-April 3)
  10. Planetary Dog Moon (April 4-May 1)
  11. Spectral Serpent Moon (May 2-May 29)
  12. Crystal Rabbit Moon (May 30-June 26)
  13. Cosmic Turtle Moon (June 27-July 24)

Day Out of Time (July 25)

Information About the Calendar